
Consultation Responses

Our consultation responses have the aim of encouraging regulation that is practical, effective, and beneficial for stakeholders not only across the blockchain and digital assets community, but communities around the globe. 


Comment Letters

Through our comment letters, we proactively engage in shaping global regulatory frameworks, ensuring that our industry's voice is heard and contributes to balanced, well-informed policies.


Regulators’ Only Forum

The Regulators’ Only Forum is a closed loop session where participants meet on a quarterly basis to discuss global regulatory developments on crypto and digital assets. Up to 35 different regulators, policymakers, and supranationals participate in the forum.


Regulators’ Knowledge Series

The Regulators’ Knowledge Series was borne out of the Regulators’ Only Forum to provide insight on key priorities and trending topics. The purpose of this forum is to be educational, and the audience participants are able to ask specific questions.

This forum is only open to Regulators and Policymakers.


Agency Roundtables and Regulatory Outreach

Through roundtable events, responding to regulatory consultations with membership, or the closed-forum Regulators’ Knowledge Series, our team of regulatory experts create forums for engagement between industry and global agencies.