GBBC Virtual Members Forum - Tangem: Springboarding Central Bank Digital Currencies Into Reality
Jul 23, 2020
GBBC member Tangem CEO Sergio Mello and Co-Founder and CTO Andrey Kurennykh will elaborate on the essential nature of “un-hosted wallets” to springboard CBDCs into reality on the next episode of the GBBC Virtual Members Forum.
While many CBDC projects introduce and acknowledge the necessity of un-hosted wallets, un-hosted wallets are not top-of-mind for many. Tangem’s programmable privacy platform and NFC card (near field communication) creates a viable distribution option for CBDCs to broadening financial inclusion, whilst enabling responsible innovation.
As the payment’s revolution continues to take hold, Tangem’s technology aims to instill trust in the unbreakable chain between citizens’ pockets and National Treasury records.
Ultimately, Tangem views CBDCs as the most important trend for the future of money and payments and supports the creation of accessible, affordable, and user-friendly tools to springboard their adoption and promote positive outcomes for citizens around the world.
Sergio Mello, CEO, Tangem
Sergio is fundamentally a builder and operator with razor sharp instincts for disruptive enterprises. From aviation and transport to communication and business strategy, Sergio has a track record connecting resources and people to build innovation eco-systems that bring disruptive solutions to market. Sergio is an unusual hybrid of European, Asian, African and American business acumen with an unrelenting belief in the power of blockchain to transform trust for global good.
Andrey Kurennykh, Co-Founder & CTO, Tangem
Andrey Kurennykh’s CV reads nothing short of extraordinary. Over his career Andrey has leveraged his talent with computing and microelectronics to disrupt business in financial services and telecoms on a global scale: from founding, managing and successfully exiting ATM management and transaction processing company; to developing from scratch SIM card OS and a proprietary secure integrated circuit for a national SIM card platform.
His area of expertise includes smartcard platforms, hardware security, design of secure ICs, embedded operating systems, blockchain, payment networks and cryptography – a journey that eventually led him to Tangem’s revolutionary chip-to-chain technology.